Jeff Thomas NixiSat/Chron Updated Software

Ever seen a Jeff Thomas NixiSat do this? Or a NixiChron, for that matter? Click the Pic below and watch

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Exciting NEW software now available for Jeff Thomas Classic NixiSat and Nixichron Nixie clocks.

I have always been a big fan of both the NixiSat and Nixchron clocks. I own several and have custom built numerous one-off clocks for customers all over the world using the Thomas electronics. As much as I enjoy these electronics, I have always wished Jeff had added just a bit more. Late last year I was finally lucky enough to purchase the source code from the developer and am now the sole owner. As many of you know, Badnixie is two people; myself and Carl Ott, the software/PCB board developer of the duo and developer of our famous MOD_SIX. I asked Carl if he could look into adding some features to the Thomas clock software code and after several hours of programming he finally did it! This is the result:

¥Beautiful & elegant digital cross fade, blending one digit gradually into the next.

¥Adjustable Cross Fade transition rate Choose from 1-7

¥Colon Tower Neons that fade in/out in sync with tube digits

¥Cathode Poisoning Prevention Routine to save those precious (& expensive) Nixie tubes.

¥4 Cathode Poisoning Cycle time options Choose from 5min, 10 min, 15 min, or 24 hours

¥2 new colon tower effects, Choose from all on, blink on/off, and alternating top/bottom

¥Additional interval settings for the Wake/Sleep timer Choose from 5min., 30 min., and 45 min. vs. hour only.

¥Rap-around menu operation vs. waiting till the end to start over again

¥Lower colon neon vs. the top now lights with date display.

The beauty of this new software is it builds on the classic version, keeping virtually all of the original feature sets in tact! The only change to an original menu item is #15 & #16 where the “WAKE Brightness” and “SLEEP Brightness” adjustment range is now 0-7 vs. 0-9. We also added several new selections and adjustments (Please review the attached MENU structure document for details). We chose to add to Jeff’s creation rather than change the whole feel of these classic products. We could have done an entire rewrite and added all sorts of bling, but my guess is Jeff would not have approved. I think we have done the product proud.

Incidentally, the firmware PIC processor is identical for both the NixiChron and the NixiSat and so will work in either clock.

Programmed chip Exchange Pricing - $55 each + PP fees,

You send me your chip and I reprogram and return. (Return shipping is free in the US ONLY)

Will include the following items for those customers that need them:

PLCC Chip removal tool - works for either clock

Allen wrench to remove NixiChron end caps

Programmed Chip from my stock Price - $75 + PP Fees. (Return shipping is free in the US ONLY)

NixiChron Installed Price-$95 + PP Fees you ship clock to me, I pay for return shipping (US only). I re program your chip and return clock.

We do not install the chip in NixiSats, unless clock is sent in for a GPS puck upgrade as well.

Customer is responsible for International shipping based on actual international USPS rates and not included in above pricing. Email me for details:


Last Updated: 12-24-2018

Michael Barile LLC

Or this?, for that matter? Or several other new and exciting feature sets? Click the Pic below and watch

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Or, the Thomas NixChron with the same exciting new feature sets? Click the Pic below and watch

Email me for more information.